Shadowbox Framing
Objects are often some of the most meaningful things you can frame. Whether you choose something passed down from an ancestor, a souvenir from a special trip, or you find something interesting at a flea market, they can all be framed to become conversation pieces in your home or office.
The main difference when framing an object versus art is to make sure you choose a frame that is deep enough to contain the object, glass, backing and whatever else will go into it. Aside from that, many of the same framing materials used for anything else can be used for objects also.
When choosing objects to create a shadowbox, keep in mind the story you are trying to tell. Are you capturing a special time, remembering someone special, or preserving an item of personal value? Objects can tell a major portion of the story, but it is often a good idea to mix 3-dimensional objects with photos, certificates or name plates to give the viewer the complete idea. The best way to decide what to put into your shadowbox is to bring more items than you think you'll need. Often times your professional framer or designer can help you choose which items work best together to capture the tale you are trying to tell. When in doubt, bring it along. Just about anything can be framed, and the options are endless.